Wednesday 5 January 2011

PRODUCT REVIEW: Lee Stafford Treatment for Hair that Never Grows Past a Certain Length

Hello Beautiful Hair-Growers!

For those who don't know me, I currently have long hair that reaches about half way down my back if not a tiny bit further. I'm looking to grow another 3 inches and that will be my ideal hair length! But my problem (as well as tonnes of other people's) is that my hair tends to grow well until it hits a certain length and then POW! It doesn't seem to get any longer!

I was recommended Lee Stafford's treatment for hair that never grows past a certain length (what a mouthful!) by a friend from work. She said she used it and it really made a difference to the growth and thickness to her hair, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It's available at Boots for £6.99 which is quite a reasonable price. On the tub, the description says:

"Hair Growth Treatment with Pro-Growth™ complex for strength from within. Protein based complex to fertilize your follicles, creating a healthy environment on the scalp to help hair grow faster and reach it's maximum potential length." 

Firstly, if you've ever used Lee Stafford's products before, you know they have a trademark smell to them and this one's no different! It's got a very strong sweet and musky fragrance which I like because the smell lingers in my hair even till the day after washing it.

The product itself is a thick creamy consistency and it's filled pretty much to the top of the tub (200ml) so you're getting a good amount! After my first use, my hair instantly felt a lot softer, smoother, less frizzy and not as tangled as it usually would feel after washing it which was great! I generally wash my hair twice a week so I used it every time after shampooing and before conditioning. It says to use a scoop the size of an egg but I thought that was too much so I just took half that amount. One thing I did find was that when I massaged a lot of the product into my scalp and roots, my hair lost its volume when dry so it felt smooth and sleek but flat and without body. That's why I don't recommend using a scoop the size of an egg (unless your head has a large surface area!)

In terms of making my hair grow past a certain length, I think it did help to a certain extent. It may have contributed with all the "Pro-Growth™ protein based complex" in it, but I didn't see a major growth spurt in my hair length or anything. It grew like it normally would, if not a bit faster which was around 1 inch over 2 months (which is how long 1 tub lasted me). Then again it is scientifically proven that hair grows slower in the winter months because it has less exposure to vit D (sunlight) so this product may be doing its job!

Overall I do recommend trying it out because even if it doesn't make your hair grow any faster, it definitely feels like it's a good treatment for your hair. I'm on my second tub now and my hair feels SO much more manageable and softer when I'm using it.

Hope this helped anyone looking to grow their hair!

Miss. S.