Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Well done for surviving another decade of life! Trust me, with the world that we're living in it's an achievement just doing that!

This NYE was pretty low key. Started with having dinner at Ping Pong in Soho which was different as it was my first time trying dim sum. Interesting experience. Not too sure if I would go back. Being a vegetarian, there was a decent variety of dishes on the menu (which is a plus point), but in terms of taste I wasn't entirely impressed. But then again I can appreciate that not everything is as spectacularly explosive with flavour as I'm used to being Indian! The decor of the restaurant was really nice- modern contemporary with round shared tables and the atmosphere was quite upmarket yet chilled out.

We then moved on to walking the streets of London following the hauds of people towards the riverside. I can definately say that NYE brings out the crazyness in some people! After enduring much screaming, shouting, drinking, conga-lineing in the cold, we managed to see the spectacular fireworks next to the London Eye. It really was worth the wait!

2011 London firework display behind Big Ben

2011 London firework display around The London Eye
(pictures obtained from Daily Mail)

Happy New Year! :)

Peace and Love

Miss S.