Sunday 30 January 2011

Film Review: Black Swan


A psychological thriller starring Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel. The film is based on ambitious ballerina Nina (Natalie Portman) who wins the lead role in "Swan Lake". She's the perfect white swan, but not daring and sensual enough for the role of the black swan. She feels the pressure to play the role of both swans perfectly from sleazy director Thomas (Vincent Cassel), and also from herself as she becomes increasingly worried that her rival Lily (Mila Kunis) is after her lead role, being the perfect candidate for the black swan. She tries her hardest to be more like the black swan but slowly, she loses her mind in doing so. Throughout the film, Nina and Lily form a twisted friendship until the end when Nina accidentally stabs herself whilst hallucinating, thinking she was stopping Lily from stealing her role. She dances the black swan perfectly, before she falls to her "death" and is found by the cast, Lily and Thomas wounded and possibly dying.

Natalie Portman plays the role of Nina faultlessly. She appears in pretty much every scene, and every second of it is intense and captivating.

Definately worth watching (for women more than men) but be warned, many disturbing scenes that'll make you "eek" and cringe and jump at times!


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