Tuesday 25 January 2011

Andy Gray SACKED!

Today it was announced that football co-commentator Andy Gray has been sacked by Sky Sports for his off-air sexist comments about assistant referee Sian Massey. Gray made comments to Richard Keys regarding female officials, claiming that they are "hopeless" and that they "don't know the offside rule", not knowing that the microphones were still on. His comments have been deemed as "unacceptable and offensive behaviour" by Sky Sports.

This is what was said:
“Somebody better get down there and explain offside to her,” said Keys.
“Can you believe that? A female linesman. Women don’t know the offside rule,” said Gray.
Keys replied “Course they don’t. I can guarantee you there will be a big one today. Kenny (Dalglish) will go potty. This isn’t the first time, is it? Didn’t we have one before?” And then he added “The game’s gone mad. Did you hear charming [West Ham vice-chairwoman] Karren Brady this morning complaining about sexism? Do me a favour, love.”

These off-air comments between Gray and Keys have caused major controversy in the media for the last few days, but let's get to the point here.

Was it wrong for Gray and Keys to make such sexist comments? Yes. Regardless of how "old" the joke is about women not being able to understand the off-side rule, sexism is in my books just as serious and bad as racism. It's unacceptable and is definately something that needs to change, especially in regards to football.

Should Gray have got sacked for his remarks? On one hand, No. Although I agree that his comments were totally unacceptable, I do not believe that they were meant maliciously. To end his career over a bad mistake is a bit harsh. On the other hand, if no serious action was taken, would sexist men ever learn? So Yes.

Should Gray and Keys make a public apology to Sian Massey? No. I don't think it's necessary to drag her into the spotlight any more than she already has been. Massey is believed to have received a private apology from Keys which was accepted. Mike Riley, the general manager for PGMO said, "Sian is an excellent professional who has unwittingly found herself in the middle of a story that has nothing to do with her competence as a match official. Sian only wants to be notable for her performance as an assistant referee and is keen for things to get back to normal so she can return to officiating as soon as possible."

These are my opinions, but what are yours?

Three cheers for England captain Rio Ferdinand, who responded to the sexist comments as "prehistoric". The message has been broadcasted loud and clear:


With Peace, Love & Equality

Miss S.

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