Monday 10 January 2011

My Favourite Nail Polish Colour


(Apologies about the poor picture quality- I had lighting problems!)

I am LOVING this colour on my nails and you'd never guess who it's by... H&M! Who'd have thought?! It's a tiny little 3.2ml bottle of nail polish that I picked up near the till as an impulse buy and I'm so glad I did because it's a gorgeous colour. It's called Grey Sky and it's a lovely taupe/dirty light mauve colour. I've found that it goes with anything I'm wearing which is always a problem I have when I'm wearing brighter colours on my nails.

The colour payoff is true to what it looks like in the bottle and in the pictures above I only have one coat of it on showing that it's nice and opaque and not one of those annoying nail polishes that you need five coats of to get the right shade. It's also not streaky, which is fantastic taking into account it's from H&M! I really am impressed with the quality of it. Usually I'd put on two coats of it just to even it out and so that it would last as longer on my nails but unfortunately my bottle has nearly run out so I couldn't! :( I only hope H&M are still stocking this colour because I did buy it about 4 months ago so fingers crossed. If not I'm going to have to find a dupe so any recommendations are welcome!

:) xoxo


  1. So weird - i just painted my nails a very similar colour. Great colour for the never ending Winter. xx

  2. Which brand and shade was yours? I'm looking for a dupe because my mini bottle has nearly run out! xx
