Friday 28 January 2011

Product Review: Batiste Dry Shampoo

We all have those days where our hair needs a bit of refreshing, but when you reallyy can't be bothered to spend so much precious time in the morning washing it (that extra 30mins sleep is a lifesaver)! So what's the answer? Dry Shampoo!

I've tried a couple of brands over the last 3 years, Samy Salon Systems Dry Shampoo and Batiste Dry Shampoo. Samy's was okay, it did the job but it was very white in colour which made my naturally dark hair look really dusty at times, regardless of how much I combed it out/rubbed it into my hair. It also made my scalp quite itchy, which was really uncomfortable.

Then I went on to try out Batiste coloured Dry Shampoo in Black which was fab! It sprayed out in a slightly darker colour so that it didn't look like white dust in my hair. It smelt good, blended into my hair well and didn't cause my scalp to itch. After finishing that bottle, I purchased Batiste's dry shampoo in "Boho", which is just the same as the previous Batiste dry shampoo but without the darker coloured shampoo formula and with a different scent.

So far, I prefer the Boho dry shampoo because in my opinion, it smells nicer and essentially does the same thing as the coloured one but for a slightly lower cost.

Batiste Coloured Dry Shampoo: £3.05
Batiste Dry Shampoo Boho: £2.35 (Boots) / £2.13 (Superdrug)

This is definately one of my holy grail hair products! I would recommend it to anyone who has a fringe that gets greasy easily, anyone who is trying to cut down the amount that they wash their hair or just anyone who likes to freshen their hair up and give it a bit of volume on the second or third day after washing it.

Have a good hair day!

1 comment:

  1. I tried the Samy one once and it literally all disappeared from the bottle en route to leicester from london! Batiste all the way! xx
